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BuckS On ICE

Settling by artificial insemination (AI) is not as simple as live cover, but the depth that AI adds to our buck lineup as well as the thrill of bringing life out of a straw the size of a coffee stir stick and frozen for months or years at -320 deg. makes it completely worth all the effort and fuss. 

The following Nigerian Dwarf bucks are in our tank for future use in our breeding program:
Elite SG Sugar Moon NS Alejandro +*B

GCH Hidden Palms L Blue Lotus +*B VVE 89

Better Wayz Champ Carabear *B

Castle Rock Alaskan Hare VEE 88

Hidden Hills Chase The Legend *B

Wolfivan Raise A Ruckus *B

Wolfivan Remington

Old Mountain Farm Azure Elk

Old Mountain Farm BasicBritchs

Top Shelf AA Ride or Die

Winning Streak EB Star-Dom

This list is for reference. Not for sale.

artificial insemination straw empty after successful AI breeding Sugar Moon NS Alejandro
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